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Dragon Boat Race Registration 2025

Dragon Boat Race Registration | January 2nd-May 7th, 2025 | Register
Registration for Mixed, Women’s, and Open Division From 7am January 2nd, 2025 through May 7th.

Race Weekend 2025

Race Weekend | June 7-8, 2025 | South Hawthorne Waterfront Park, Portland Oregon
Our annual traditional-style dragon boat race held during the Portland Rose Festival. Free to the public. Come and enjoy an exciting weekend of Dragon Boat Races and local food and shopping vendors.

A Flag Catcher sitting on the Dragon's head of our Traditional-Style Dragon Boats. Local Teams may practice when the practice buoy is available.
A Flag-Catcher sitting on the Dragon’s Head of our Traditional-Style boat.

Practice Schedule

Each local team selects their practice time on a first-come-first-serve basis during the annual team registration process. Out-of-town teams get to practice with our boats on the day before race weekend (June 6, 2025).

This online version of the Schedule is kept up to date and when changes are made, they are reflected here within 5 minutes.

Google Docs Link:
2025 PKSCA Practice Schedule

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Practice Location

Dock (Lockers/Boats)

The lockers and boats are located at the:
RiverPlace Marina Public Dock
1500 S Harbor Way, Portland, OR 97201
Google Maps | Apple Maps

Team Rallying Point

Dragon Boat teams meet at the flag circle in front of the:
Kimpton RiverPlace Hotel
1510 S Harbor Way, Portland, OR 97201
Google Maps | Apple Maps

Discounted Paddler Parking Lot

There are 2 parking lots accessible from the north and south side of S. Mill St. Circle that offer discounted rates for paddlers:
North Lot
1750 S Harbor Dr, Portland, OR 97201
Google Maps | Apple Maps

South Lot (overflow)
On the south side of S. Mill St. Circle across from the North Lot.

*You can get the discount code from your team coach.

Riverplace Marina Public Doc (Map)

Practice Information

As part of the Team Registration Fee each local team gets to schedule 3 hours per week of practice time over 2-3 days in our traditional-style dragon boats. Throughout the season teams tend to do technical, and endurance work. As the season continues teams may choose to do race runs with others by meeting under the Marquam Bridge where our races generally start.

Each team must have at least 10 paddlers, a caller, and a tiller to go out on the water. View the Calendar for when the Practice Buoy becomes available for flag catcher runs. Teams can line up for flag runs under the Marquam Bridge near the west side of the Willamette River. It is important not to get too close to the river bank, follow all rules regarding where the boats can and cannot go laid out in our Captain’s Meetings.

There are no refunds for practices missed. For Out-of-town teams they may practice in the boats the Friday prior to Race Weekend, as listed in the calendar.

Some teams use an app to coordinate their practices, events, and seating locations. Please be sure to check with your Caller (Captain) for that information.

It is recommended you review the weather prior to practice and dress accordingly. If there is a lightning storm, or other severe weather event your caller and tiller may decide to cancel practice. Many choose to wear waterproof clothing, gloves, jackets and long or short sleeve shirts depending on weather, and waterproof boat shoes (generally with some grip). It is also recommended that you get a waterproof lanyard, or waterproof bag for holding your phone, wallet, and personal belongings you need with you. Bring plenty of water and sunscreen as well.

Teams generally meet at the rallying point laid out above. They stretch and are assigned their seats, then head down to the dock. Paddlers may use their own paddles and life jackets, or may use those made available by the PKSCA in their assigned lockers. We have different sized jackets and paddles available.

Depending on weather, it may be necessary to bail the water out of the boat before embarking, there are jugs in the boats available for this purpose. It is imperative that people never stand on the benches of the dragon boats. Also please review our resources about the weather, dock, lockers, practice buoy, and how to lock and unlock the boats. The method of how the boats are docked is vital to the safety and structural integrity of our incredibly special traditional-style dragon boats.

It is also important that teams practice how to pull a person that falls over board safely back into the boat. We also recommend training backups for tilling, flag catching, and pace-setters. As these are vital positions that always need experienced people in those roles.

Be safe, treat the boats with respect, and have fun.

Paddles Up!