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*If you are trying to view the calendar in Safari on an iPhone or a Computer and see the Google Captcha screen, you need to turn off Cross-Site Tracking for Safari in Settings->Safari->Prevent Cross-Site Tracking (turn off). You may also just choose to open the calendar in a browser using the link above.
Captain’s Meetings
In-Person Captain’s Meetings
Zidell’s Old Moody Office Building
3121 S Moody Ave., Portland, Oregon 97239
Google Maps | Apple Maps
*Please note that the address is for South and not Southwest Portland.
Archives: Captain’s Support
Online Meetings
All online meetings are accessible through a Google Meet link sent out to the Captain’s prior to the meetings.
Captain’s Meeting In-Person Location
All monthly Team Captain’s meetings will begin at 6:30 PM. It is important that each team have a representative at each meeting. The Team Captain or a representative, and team tiller are required to attend the March safety meeting. Out-of-area teams are exempt, except for the Captains’ meeting on both mornings of race weekend, June 7 and 8.
Meetings and Training are held upstairs with the entry stairs on the south side of the building past the gate. The photos below will give you a visual layout of how to access the upstairs.